When careless or reckless actions cause injuries, injured parties can recover compensation by filing a personal injury claim. Even if a company or business was negligent, a personal injury claim can address losses and expenses incurred as a result.
The process of filing a claim is the same whether filing against an individual or a company. And like other negligence claims, gathering the right evidence is crucial.
Those injured in a store or place of business should report the incident and obtain a copy of any reports they or the company fill out. When law enforcement is involved, be sure to get a copy of the police report.
Investigating company policies may prove vital as well. In some cases, the company’s own policies and procedures may be what led to the accident and resultant injuries. A company may require using dangerous material to manufacture its products or may require its employees to take cost-cutting measures that place consumers or clients in danger.
In some cases – especially cases involving product liability – saving the actual product that caused the injury can be crucial. An expert might examine it to determine its safety and whether it caused injuries. Similarly, saving any paperwork, warranties and other documentation from the company can be important.
Other common types of evidence may prove essential. This might include photographs of the accident scene or the injuries themselves. Expert and eyewitness testimony may prove vital in some cases. Evidence of injuries and damages – medical records, imaging results, hospital papers, etc. – can establish the extent of damages and costs.
One of the biggest challenges people face when pursuing legal action against a company is overcoming the feeling of intimidation. This might be especially true when it comes to a well-known company. Many people don’t bother pursuing a suit or give up in the process because of the stress and pressure exerted by the process or the company’s attorneys.
But there are plenty of instances in which plaintiffs have overcome large corporations and their attorneys. Whether a large company or small business, if it acted negligently, it can be held accountable if the injured party collects the right evidence and presents a solid case.
The aforementioned challenges are just some of the reasons why it’s a good idea to secure legal counsel. An attorney can help sort through laws specific to a certain case or industry, like federal laws pertaining to the commercial trucking industry if a truck causes an accident and injuries.
There can be a lot at stake when filing an injury claim against a company, so it’s best to have knowledgeable legal representation. Contact the Law Offices of Julie Johnson at 214-290-8001 to set up an appointment.