Dallas Transvaginal Mesh Injury Attorney

Transvaginal mesh implant surgery has become a popular solution for many women who have suffered from pelvic organ prolapse (POP) or stress urinary incontinence related to weak pelvic floor muscles. The surgery helps by adding reinforcement to the damaged areas to prevent prolapse.

While the device is meant to benefit women, it actually has caused further injury to thousands across the country, leading to many lawsuits against manufacturers. If you have been hurt as a result of transvaginal mesh implant surgery, speak with a Dallas transvaginal mesh injury attorney about recovering compensation.

The Dangers Associated with Transvaginal Mesh Implants 

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), transvaginal mesh (and other types of surgical mesh) is made from either manmade (synthetic) materials or animal tissue. Unfortunately, many women have experienced serious side effects related to the implants: 

  • Contraction of the mesh: Some women have reported that the mesh has contracted after surgery, causing vaginal shortening and tightening, leading to severe pain, including during sex.
  • Transvaginal mesh erosion: If the mesh erodes into the vagina or rectum, it can cause severe internal damage.
  • Perforation of the bowel: If the vaginal mesh becomes displaced in the body, it can perforate the bowel, which can be fatal if not treated immediately.
  • Hemorrhage: Some women have reported blood hemorrhaging after complications involving mesh implants. 

If you experienced any one of these injuries due to transvaginal mesh implants, you may be able to file a lawsuit to recover damages.

Who is liable for transvaginal mesh-related injuries?

Some patients are reluctant to file a claim against the doctors who recommended a transvaginal mesh implant, hoping to preserve their relationship. But if you suffered serious injuries and damages, it’s important to recover fair compensation. And in many cases, others could be liable for the injuries you sustained as a result of transvaginal mesh implants, including: 

  • The manufacturer of the transvaginal mesh;
  • The hospital in which the services were provided;
  • The distributor of the transvaginal mesh; and/or
  • Other medical professionals are associated with the device itself or with the surgery.

Which parties are liable will depend on whether a doctor or surgeon acted negligently in recommending or performing the surgery. The manufacturer often is liable for producing an injurious product. Johnson & Johnson, the parent company of Ethicon, faces more than 12,000 pelvic mesh lawsuits, in which claimants allege the implants degraded and caused serious pain and other consequences.

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