Axiron Lawsuit

Axiron is a topical prescription drug given to men older than 18 who experience low or no testosterone. It is the only “low-T drug” applied to the underarm area. As with most drugs, Axiron has known and suspected side effects that can lead to mild to serious complications. The manufacturers of Axiron, Eli Lilly and Company, list common side effects on all drug packaging, as well as on the drug’s website; however, the FDA is investigating potentially more serious side effects than those currently disclosed.

If you are taking or considering taking the Axiron testosterone drug, understand all potential side effects of the drug. Some very serious side effects have been reported and are currently under consideration by the FDA but are not necessarily included in the warnings provided by the manufacturer. If you suspect you’ve suffered from serious complications and side effects of Axiron, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a personal injury attorney to review your options.


Dangerous Side Effects Under Review by the FDA

Eli Lilly and Company lists various side effects that may be associated with the Axiron testosterone drug, including the following.

  • Worsening symptoms of an enlarged prostate if it’s an existing condition;
  • Potential increased risk of prostate cancer;
  • Decreased sperm count;
  • Painful, swollen breasts;
  • Sleep apnea;
  • Swelling in ankles, feet, or body; and
  • Blood clots in the legs.

These and other listed side effects (skin irritation, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, high red blood cell count, etc.) are helpful and provide some warning and education to potential Axiron users. But there have been other very serious complications of the drug reported, which are currently under review. These side effects pose serious and potentially fatal risks of which all testosterone (Axiron or otherwise) users should be aware.

Low-T drugs have been linked to increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary embolism, and even death in recent studies. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2013 found a 29 percent higher rate for heart attack, stroke, and all-cause mortality among men with low-T who underwent coronary angiography.

In another study published in 2014 in the journal PLOS One, the researchers found a higher risk of a heart attack in younger men who have heart disease and older men after they began testosterone therapy.

The evidence of such life-threatening effects has been brought to the attention of the FDA, which is considering new labeling requirements for the makers of drugs designed to treat low testosterone, Axiron among them. 

What If I Was Harmed After Taking Axiron Testosterone Drug? Can I File An Axiron Lawsuit?

If you or a loved one were using the Axiron testosterone drug and experienced a heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or stroke within 30 days of using the medication, you could be entitled to compensation for damages like medical bills, lost wages, pain, and suffering, and more. If your loved one died within 30 days of taking Axiron, you may need to file a wrongful death suit. Discuss eligibility to take legal action with an attorney familiar with such cases.

Not all prescription drug side effects are causes for a lawsuit or claim for damages, but serious side effects not listed on the medication may warrant legal action. Attorney Julie Johnson helps people understand the laws affecting their circumstances and guides them through the steps to take to obtain a fair outcome.

If you’re considering filing an Axiron Lawsuit, call the Law Office of Julie Johnson today at 214-290-8001 or use our contact form to schedule a free consultation to review your case.

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