Dallas Workplace Accident Attorney

We’ve Helped Hundreds Just Like You

Did Your Employer:

  • Retaliate against you for filing a workers’ compensation claim?
  • Remove the safety guards from a machine in violation of OSHA standards? Does your employer routinely violate lookout/Tagout (LOTO) procedures? Did OSHA violations cause your injuries and your employer is a non-subscriber?
  • Did a defective product cause your work injury? In addition to workers’ compensation, you may be entitled to make a third-party claim against the manufacturer.
  • Talk to us about your workplace accident. It costs time and money to fully recover from a workplace accident. We fully understand the distinctions of the law and how to identify all the liable parties in your accident.

We Stand on Your Side

If you were injured at work and your employer is not subscriber to workers’ compensation, what can you do? Talk to a Dallas workplace accident lawyer. Employers who are “non-subscribers” can be held liable for work-related injuries. The personal injury attorney at the Law Office of Julie Johnson can explain your rights.

What If Your Employer Does Not Have Workers' Compensation?

If your employer does carry workers’ compensation coverage, you may have an additional claim if your injury was caused by the negligence of others including property owners, general contractors, subcontractors, and product manufacturers. Talk to us about your injury.

If you were injured in a workplace accident, you deserve to have a Dallas workplace accident lawyer who will listen to your situation, stand up for your rights, and work closely with you to find an appropriate solution. Contact the Law Office of Julie Johnson for a free consultation.

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