Dallas Sports Injury Attorney

If you or somebody you care about is active and plays sports, then you do what you can to be safe while engaging in these activities. However, if you sustain an injury while playing a sport that was caused by somebody else’s negligent actions, you may need help from a Dallas sports injury attorney. At the Law Office Of Julie Johnson, we are dedicated to helping injured clients obtain the compensation they need to get back on their feet. Let us get to work investigating your case today.

Sports injuries can be devastating

When you play a sport as an adult, you are taking an “assumption of risk.” This means that you are aware that there are certain dangers pertaining to the activity you are participating in. In some cases, this may involve signing a waiver. If you are a parent and your child plays sports, you are the one giving consent allowing them to do so even knowing that there are risks involved.

Most sports injuries are accidents and fall under the “assumed risk” you have decided to take or that you have allowed your child to take. However, there are times when sports injuries are caused by another person’s reckless or careless actions. These are injuries that should not fall under assumed risk. Worse, still, are sports injuries that occur due to another person’s intentional actions aimed at causing harm.

Intentional actions that could cause harm in sports include:

  • A baseball player throwing a bat at somebody because they are angry.
  • A football player getting stepped on or struck well after a play is over.
  • An intentional foul in basketball.

Lack of proper equipment

When you play a sport, or when your child is involved in school or recreation team sports, the sports team operators should ensure that participants have the proper safety equipment necessary. All equipment should be in proper working order. Failing to provide proper safety gear for a sport could result in serious injuries for players.

Are concussions a sports injury?

There are an estimated 1.6 to 3.8 million sports-related concussions in the United States each year, with most of them occurring and children and teens involved in sports. Coaches and sports staff must follow proper concussion protocols to prevent concussions from becoming more serious traumatic brain injuries. Unfortunately, there are times when players do not receive proper medical care and are allowed to return to the sport before they are healed. This can lead to serious and long-lasting brain damage and disabilities.

Let us help you with this case

If you or somebody you love has been injured in a sports incident that was caused by another person’s careless or negligent actions, contact a Dallas sports injury lawyer today. At the Law Office Of Julie Johnson, our skilled and experienced personal injury attorney in Dallas is ready to conduct a thorough investigation into what happened in order to secure the following compensation:

  • Coverage of your medical bills related to the sports incident
  • Lost income and benefits if you are unable to work
  • Mental anguish damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages against a grossly negligent party

When you need a sports injury attorney in Dallas, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or by calling us at 214-290-8001.

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