Dallas Mediation Attorney

Julie Johnson, Dallas Mediation Attorney, focuses on finding peaceful solutions to complex legal disputes. Julie possesses nearly two decades of experience as an attorney and mediator and has completed all of the required training to act as a qualified ADR professional in Texas. She has a 90 percent settlement rate in cases involving civil matters like car accidents, medical malpractice, employment law, consumer disputes, and business conflicts.

If you’re interested in a harmonious alternative to a lengthy courtroom battle, contact the Law Office of Julie Johnson at 214-290-8001 to learn how our mediation services can benefit you.

Julie Johnson: Providing Mediation Services in Dallas Texas

Julie has spent time on both sides of the court, representing plaintiffs and the defense. She has a broad view of how conflict affects all parties involved. This helps her comprehensively evaluate a dispute in the pursuit of a fair settlement.

Julie respects that in some circumstances, it’s important for the parties involved to maintain a civil post-ADR relationship. This is why she is focused on a non-adversarial approach to mediation.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a Powerful Choice

Mediation is a popular form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The procedure involves a neutral third party who facilitates the negotiation process. An organized and experienced attorney-mediator in Dallas can help both sides of a conflict reach a fair and mutually satisfying resolution in a timely manner.

A mediator does not make the decisions during the resolution. Instead, the mediator uses her experience and negotiation skills to help each side come to a voluntary agreement. This gives the parties more control than would be afforded in a courtroom setting where the judge or jury makes the calls.

Mediation is noted for being a time-saving and cost-cutting measure. This is what makes it such a compelling choice for so many people. Civil litigation can take years and cost thousands upon thousands of dollars in legal and courtroom fees. Julie advocates the use of mediation services as a means to save clients time, money, and the headache of a protracted courtroom drama.

What to Look for in an Attorney-Mediator in Dallas

An effective mediator / ADR professional should:

  • possess exemplary communication skills;
  • listen to all parties in a legal dispute; and
  • help unravel complicated issues that have led to conflict.

Ideally, mediation services help break down roadblocks to resolution and compel all parties to forge a mutually beneficial settlement.

Mediation Services Benefit You - Get Started Today!

The Law Office of Julie Johnson offers ADR services in a wide array of circumstances. Our office is equipped with comfortable conference spaces and additional professional amenities that may be necessary during the course of mediation. To learn more about what an experienced Dallas Mediation Attorney can do for you, call 214-290-8001, or use our online contact form.

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