Three Tips for Safe Driving Around Trucks at Night

Julie Johnson
October 30, 2013
Categories: Truck Accidents

In 2011 the Texas Department of Transportation reported that 122,777 of the 416,870 reported crashes that year took place in dark conditions. Nighttime driving is different from daylight driving and drivers should take extra caution when driving around large trucks at night.

If you find yourself driving around large trucks at night, remember these three important driving safety tips: 

  • Use your lights and signals: Headlights improve the visibility of your surroundings and they also help truck drivers to see your vehicle better. Don’t forget to use your turn signals and fog lights when necessary.
  • Keep a safe distance: Truck drivers have a much bigger vehicle to account for when making turns, changing lanes, and stopping. They need a lot more room to maneuver, so give it to them.
  • Stay alert: Low light conditions decrease your ability to react to nearby hazards, making your reaction time slower. Avoid driving while tired or impaired and avoid distractions like cell phone use or eating while driving to improve your ability to react if a large truck makes a sudden movement.

Remember that any reckless driving behaviors during the day can be even more dangerous at night. While you may be a cautious driver, not all truck drivers give the same attention to the road as you might. Therefore, it’s best to keep a safe distance and drive defensively no matter what the light conditions.

Get Help with Your Truck Accident Claim, Day or Night

Attorney Julie Johnson helps victims of accidents no matter what time of day they occurred. Whether you’re just looking for answers to questions about filing a claim or if you’ve been denied a settlement after truck accident, call to set up a consultation: 214-290-8001.

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