Why Are Roadway Deaths Not Falling During The Pandemic?

Julie Johnson
May 14, 2020

Over the last few months, roadway traffic throughout the United States and here in Texas has lessened considerably due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Many people simply assumed that this would mean that there would be fewer traffic injuries and deaths. However, the Texas Department of Transportation has released data that shows this may not be the case. At the Law Office of Julie Johnson, our Dallas car accident attorneys want to discuss these findings. 

Have Traffic Deaths Fallen?

As millions of Texans have stayed at home and significantly cut vehicle travel, the thought was that traffic injuries and fatalities would also decrease. In most major cities across Texas, vehicle traffic has been cut roughly in half. However, early reports indicate that traffic fatalities and injuries are not decreasing as much as expected. 

According to a release from the Houston Chronicle, the Texas Department of Transportation says that there were 241 fatalities on Texas roadways over a one-month span that occurred while stay-at-home orders were in place. The DOT says that there were 305 fatalities during that same period last year. 

Why, as traffic has decreased by more than half in many places, have roadway crash fatalities not dropped as precipitously? 

The truth is that Texas roadways or not known for traffic safety. There are significant risks to motorists all year round, regardless of whether or not there is a pandemic. Data from there Texas Department of Transportation shows us that there were 3,639 total crash fatalities and more than 249,000 crash injuries during the latest reporting year across the state. 

While we hoped there would be a reprieve from these incidents during the COVID-19 pandemic, that does not appear to be the case. 

What Will Happen Now?

As we begin to rebound from COVID-19, we should do everything we can to remain safe on the streets. Right now, Texas, like the rest of the United States, is going through a phased reopening of its economy. We can expect that traffic will begin to significantly increase, particularly as both locals and visitors resume travel. Right now, we encourage every driver to be particularly aware of their surroundings. We ask that you take particular care around pedestrians or bicyclists who have become accustomed to operating around less vehicle traffic. These vulnerable roadway users are susceptible to sustaining severe injuries in the event they are struck by a vehicle. 

We Can Help You Through This

If you or somebody you love has been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of another driver, seek legal assistance as soon as possible. At the Law Office of Julie Johnson, we know that traffic accident injuries and deaths are still occurring throughout this ongoing pandemic. We are here to investigate your case and work to secure any compensation you are entitled to, including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering damages, and more. When you need Dallas car accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or by calling us at 214-290-8001.


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