Should I Let the Towing Company Destroy my Totaled Vehicle after a Car Crash in Dallas?

Julie Johnson
February 19, 2015
Categories: Car Accident

A vehicle involved in a severe accident may be totally destroyed beyond repair. When this happens, the vehicle most likely will be towed. In the event the automobile is deemed a “total loss,” the towing company may give the driver or owner of the car the option to dispose of the vehicle.

Allowing the towing company to dispose of your totaled vehicle may seem like the best solution when a car is not salvageable. However, you should hold off on having the car destroyed until speaking with an attorney.

A Totaled Car Can Prove to Be Important Evidence

Why not allow the towing company to destroy your car immediately after an accident? A totaled car can serve as important evidence when filing a claim for damages. Being able to assess the vehicle for factors such as the point of impact and other specific damages can prove essential in determining fault and a fair damages award. This holds true whether you’re filing your claim with an insurance company or seeking damages in a civil suit.

Can I file a personal injury claim if my car is a total loss vehicle?

Car wrecks that involve serious property damage often also result in serious physical injuries. Drivers in Texas must carry the minimum liability insurance of $30,000 per person, $60,000 per accident, and $25,000 for property damage per accident. If the other driver’s minimum liability insurance coverage isn’t enough to address the full extent of your damages – including property damages and physical injuries – you may consider filing a civil action against the at-fault driver.

Bear in mind that all civil actions for personal injury must be filed within two years under Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code Chapter 16. A successful civil claim may result in damages to address medical expenses, lost property, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Do I need an attorney to help me?

There is no law requiring that an attorney help you file a claim with your insurance company or in civil court. However, if you sustained severe losses from a car accident, a personal injury lawyer can be helpful in protecting your rights as you pursue compensation. This applies whether you’re filing a claim with the insurance company or seeking a tort action against the at-fault driver.

An attorney who represents car accident victims in Dallas also understands what evidence is required to prove fault and how your destroyed vehicle factors into your claim. At the Law Office of Julie Johnson, PLLC, we are ready to help you. Call us now at 214-290-8001.

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