What Kind of Motorcycle Accident Claim Evidence do I Need?

Julie Johnson
August 26, 2014
Categories: Motorcycle Accident

Numerous motorcyclists traverse Dallas for transportation and recreation. While most reach their destinations without incident, some aren’t so fortunate. A report provided by the Governors Highway Safety Association indicates that in the first nine months of 2012, 358 riders lost their lives on Texas highways, with nearly 4,000 motorcyclists dying in traffic fatalities across the country.

In many cases though, a motorcycle accident may result in minor or even serious injuries. The following guide provides information on how you can recover compensation for any injuries suffered in a motorcycle crash, as well as motorcycle accident claim evidence that you may need.

Will a police report help my case?

Among the parties to contact after motorcycle accident is the police. One of the most important pieces of motorcycle accident evidence you can use in an accident claim is a police report conducted at the scene. If the police filled out and filed a report, it should contain the following information. 

  • Location and nature of the crash.
  • The weather at the time.
  • The identities of any witnesses to the crash.
  • and, any additional pertinent information.

You can obtain a police report by requesting one directly from the department, or you can have your attorney take this measure for you.

What if photographs were taken of the crash?

Photographs and other visual records of the crash can be useful motorcycle accident claim evidence. Photographs or video recordings may corroborate eyewitness testimony to the crash or may negate claims made by the other driver.

While a video recording may not always be able to determine who was at fault for the crash, it can act as a solid piece of evidence that investigators may review several times. Even if you don’t have any photographs or videos of the crash yourself, it is possible that eyewitnesses snapped a picture or recorded it on their phones. You may even be able to use the video from the security camera of a local business.

Can medical records help my case?

One of the main goals of a motorcycle accident claim is to secure monetary compensation that will help you pay for any medical bills you incurred as a result of the accident. Because of this, it is necessary that you present any medical records that can attest to the injuries you suffered.

Additionally, make sure to bring evidence that proves you followed the suggestions of a medical professional regarding treatment, as an insurance company may argue the failure to abide by doctors’ orders worsened your condition.

Is eyewitness testimony acceptable motorcycle accident claim evidence?

Any eyewitnesses to the accident can be valuable in a motorcycle accident claim. Those who saw the accident can state what they saw, which may help you recover compensation for your injuries.

On the other hand, only those who actually witnessed the wreck will be able to help your case; any testimony that comes from someone who was not present generally won’t help you unless he or she is an expert witness called in to testify on someone’s behalf.

Can an attorney help me collect motorcycle accident claim evidence?

If you have sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident, speak to an attorney immediately. Your lawyer can help you collect any applicable evidence pertaining to your case and will help you present it to build your case.

Meanwhile, Section 16.003 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code provides injured parties with two years to take legal action, after which they are barred from seeking compensation. Your attorney can help you meet this and any other deadlines.

Contact us today at the Law Office of Julie Johnson, PLLC in Dallas for help. We are prepared to advise you on the best course of action and will help you gather the motorcycle accident claim evidence you need. Get started on your claim by calling us at 214-290-8001 or use our contact form to set up your consultation.

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