Dallas Rear-End Car Collision Attorney

Rear-End Car and Truck Accidents in Dallas, TX

Helping You Achieve a Fair Result Following Motor Vehicle Accidents

Many people suffering injuries following rear-end car and truck accidents hesitate to file a claim or pursue damages against a negligent driver. Why? Because, when struck from behind, serious injuries often manifest themselves only after a long delay.

If you have been injured in a rear-end accident, either recently or weeks, or even months ago, an experienced personal injury attorney can provide invaluable legal help in your pursuit of compensation. At the Dallas law firm of the Law Office of Julie Johnson we have handled hundreds of motor vehicle accident claims and can:

  • Investigate your accident
  • Work with treating physicians and other medical experts to document and illustrate your injuries
  • Present your case to insurers and, if necessary, jurors in a courtroom trial

The successful handling of car and truck accident claims can hinge on your lawyer’s negotiation and litigation skills. Firm founder and Dallas rear-end car collision lawyer Julie Johnson‘s experience includes:

  • Vast negotiation experience gained from years of experience as a plaintiff’s attorney
  • Extensive litigation/courtroom experience combined with four years as a board member for the Texas Trial Lawyers Association

We can help when injuries like broken bones, dismemberment, and laceration cause immediately visible harm, and we can help when brain injuries, soft tissue injuries, neck injuries, and disc injuries manifest serious physical problems well after your accident occurred. For a no-charge discussion of your rear-end motor vehicle accident case, contact our Dallas rear-end car collision attorney.

Contact Us

For experienced legal help, contact Dallas rear-end car collision lawyer of the Law Office of Julie Johnson. We offer free initial consultations, are available for evening and weekend appointments, employ Spanish-speakers, and are conveniently located off of Highway 75. Also, we work exclusively on contingency-fee-basis, in all practice areas, ensuring that your costs are minimal if we do not win your case. To contact us, call 214-290-8001.

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